Sunday, March 16, 2014

WRAP the CAPITOL - March 17 at the Idaho Statehouse

We’ve packed the gallery. We’ve packed the Capitol. Now it’s time to WRAP THE CAPITOL!

You have shown up in amazing ways this session—you have stood up for your LGBTQ brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, children, and family. You have written letters, made phone calls, testified, and contacted your legislators. Sometimes the notice was very short, and still you brought huge numbers to drive home the point that discrimination is wrong, and that Idaho will not stand by and let her citizens be treated unfairly.

With only a few days left in the  Idaho legislative session, we need you to show up again and remind this legislature that they have not done the business of the people. They have not accomplished the things they were elected to do. We need to drive home the point that they still have time. This is the year. Now is the time to ADD THE WORDS. And that if they fail to Add the Words once again we will still be here and we will not give up until Idaho is a safe place for all of her citizens.

***WRAP THE CAPITOL*** MONDAY, MARCH 17th 2014, 5:00-7:00pm*** You know you're going to go downtown anyway, so before you head for that green beer, come support your LGBTQ community members, and take a stand for what is right on this St. Patrick's Day!



WHEN: Monday, March 17th 2014, 5:00-7:00pm

WHERE: CAPITOL BUILDING—meet on the front steps.

Bring your signs and be ready to march! We are going to WRAP ourselves completely around the capitol, marching around and around as the legislators leave for the day, so they have to see those they keep trying to ignore. So they have to see how many of us are in support of adding the words!!

Bring your testimonies (Just as if you are testifying at a hearing)!  If you feel compelled, we will have a microphone set up on the Capitol steps so that, as the legislators leave the building, they will hear us telling the stories that they refuse to hear. We will also record your stories for future use!

Remember: This is a peaceful protest, following all rules of peaceful assembly.

DO: Bring signs and testimonies

DO: Show up on time. We want to be in place; marching peacefully around the Capitol before lawmakers leave for the day. How amazing will it be for lawmakers to have to walk through us on their way to their cars?  Do show up and do bring your friends and families!

DO NOT: Block ANYTHING or ANYONE. This is a peaceful protest, and we will be following all statehouse rules. It’s the peoples’ house, and we are allowed to be there with our signs and our stories, but as the lawmakers leave, be respectful and make sure they can get through our line. DO NOT engage in any personal character attacks on legislators. Keep signs respectful and FOCUSED ON THE ISSUE.

REMEMBER: With this many people, things can escalate quickly. We need to stay calm, quiet and respectful. And most of all, we have to SHOW UP.

Retweet @AddTheWords: WRAP the CAPITOL Mon 5-7p to encourage legislative leadership to

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